Steps and Moves / Definitions -
Most of this info derived from roots-boots -
a great Australian Line Dance Site :-)
Step Sequence/Term Beats Description
Anchor 3 Step nominated foot behind other foot, step other to its side, step original foot to its side
Back Cross 1 Where the nominated foot crosses and touches behind the other foot.
Ball Change &1 Step onto the ball of one foot (on & count), step and/or change weight onto the other foot.
[Often accompanied by a previous step, eg: kick-ball-change]
Behind 1 A step with the free foot crossing behind the weighted foot.
Body Roll varies Performed forward, backwards or sideways, body rolls are a ripple of the body either up or
down over a specified number of counts.
Box Step 8 A sequence of steps forming a box shape on the floor usually done over 8 beats, often ending
with a touch, scuff or hold. Normally leads forward or to the side. Eg. Left forward : Step
left foot forward, Step right beside left, Step left foot to left side, Touch right foot beside left,
Step right foot back, Step left foot beside right, Step right foot to right side, touch or step
left foot beside right.
Bridge - A set of steps or holds that occur in the middle of a wall/routine, after which you return to
where you were in the routine
Brush 1 A brush uses the ball of foot to brush the floor as the foot swings forward or back.
Bump 1 Bump hips to the side. [Bumps (or hip bumps) may be done to the beat or they may be
Cha-cha 1&2 Three steps in place, done to two beats of the music. [Similiar to a shuffle, however it is
done on the spot. Technically a cha-cha involves a Cuban hip movement whilst a
shuffle is smooth, but generally a cha-cha is stationary whilst a shuffle travels]
Charleston 4 Touch nominated foot forward, step same foot back, touch other foot back, step other foot
Charleston Kick 4 Step forward, kick the other foot forward, step back (with the foot you kicked), touch the
original foot back. [ May be accompanied by heel swivels between steps. ]
Charleston Kick 4 Same as above except the order is Kick, together, touch, together. Depends on step sheet.
Chassé varies A syncopated pattern of side steps where the feet never pass. Normally three steps but can
be extended.
Close 1 Step together (ie: "Close right" means step right foot beside the left).
Coaster Step 1&2 Step the designated foot back, step the other foot beside the first (on &), step the designated
or - 1 2 3 (Waltz) foot forward. [A coaster may be done forward, then called a "forward coaster".
Cross - The free foot crosses in front of (Across, over) or behind (behind) the opposite foot.
Cross Samba 1&2 Cross lead foot over other foot, step the other foot slightly to the side (on &), step lead foot
Cross Shuffle 1&2 A side Shuffle where the first step is in the opposite direction from the lead foot and crosses
over the other foot. The last step similarly crosses over. Eg: Cross right foot over the left,
step the left foot slightly to the left side (on &), cross the right foot in front .(can cross behind)
Diagonal - 45 degrees out from the centre of the Line of Dance (direction). 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30
Dig 1 To touch the ball or heel of the free foot to the floor with a strong emphasis
Dip 1 A slight bend of the support knee to a sitting position with the free leg extended forward
Dorothy Click &1 With weight on the toes of both feet, quickly swivel heels out and back together with a click
Dorothy Step 1, 2& Lockstep shuffle on designated diagonal with the tempo [ 1 2& ]
Double Heel-split 4 With weight on the toes: move heels apart, change weight to the heels, move toes apart.
Reverse steps to bring feet together to original position.
Drag varies See Slide. [Also known as Draw]
Fan : Toe-fan 2 With feet together, turn toes of nominated foot out 90 degrees (pivoting on the heel) & return.
Fan : Heel-fan 2 Same thing as the toe fan but the heel swings out, pivoting on the ball of the foot.
Flick 1 The heel flicks back or out to the side with the toe pointed and the knee slightly bent.
Grapevine aka Vine varies Steps to side, cross behind, side, followed by a touch, cross, together, kick, stomp, scuff etc
Heel Bounce &1 With weight on balls of feet lift and drop heels. [Also called Heel Raises]
Heel Grind 2 Touch forward on designated heel arcing toe out to side. Can also be Toe Grind...e
Heel Splits 2 With weight on both toes & feet together, turn both heels out to opposite sides, then back again.
Heel Strut 2 Step heel of foot in nominated direction, drop toes to the floor. [Also known as a strut or a heel-
toe strut ] May be syncopated.
Heel Switches 1&2& Touch lead heel forward. Step lead foot beside other foot. Repeat with other foot.
Heel Swivels 2 With feet together & weight on the balls of both feet, swivel both heels to the same side and then
back to the center.
Hip Bumps varies Step lead foot forward or back & bump hips in the same direction. Continue bumping hips as
specified. [May be syncopated. May not involve a step]
Hip Roll varies The movement of the hips in a circular action either clockwise or counter-clockwise
Hitch 1 Hitch the knee up with weight on the opposite foot.
Hold 1 Hold your position for the specified counts of music before taking another step.
Home - Position of the feet directly under the body. The original starting place. [Also known as Center]
Hook varies Bring heel of designated foot up to opposite knee
Hop 1 A jump on the spot of one foot and landing on same foot.
Jazz Box 4 Eg: Left - Cross left over right. Step back on right. Step left to left side. Close right beside left.
Jazz Box often done with a 1/4 turn.
Jazz Square 4 Step nominated foot forward, cross other foot over, step nominated foot back, step other
foot together.
Jump 1 To spring into air on both feet and land on both feet.
Kick-ball-change 1&2 Kick lead foot forward, step ball of lead foot back to place, step other foot in place.
Kick-ball-cross 1&2 Kick lead foot forward, step ball of lead foot back to place, cross other foot in front of lead foot.
Kick 1 Self explanatory. May be done in any direction.
Knee Pops 2 A sequence of moves pushing the non-weighted knee forward, lifting the heel off floor with the
ball of the foot remaining in contact with floor (the knee is often pushed across in front of the
opposite leg). Straighten knee & drop the heel. [Often done in pairs. May by syncopated (&1)]
Lock Step 1 The designated foot crossed closely in front or behind the other foot. [Often done as part of a step
sequence, eg: a lock-shuffle, a lock-vine or a "step, lock, step"]
Lunge 1 The transfer of weight to a bent leg with free leg extended
Mambo 1&2 1. Step lead foot to the side, rock onto opposite foot, cross lead foot over opposite foot.
2. Step lead foot forward, rock onto opposite foot, step lead foot back.
Note: The term 'mambo' originally referred to a side samba (No.1), however it is now almost universally used as per the second definition above. If you are using an old stepsheet, make certain which step sequence is meant.
March varies To step firmly in place two or more times - unless direction given
Mark Time varies To step in place two or more times
Monterey Turn 4 Unless specified a Monterey turn is always a 1/2 turn. It may be 1/4, 3/4 or full.
Eg: Right Monterey turn - reverse directions for a left: Touch toes of right foot to the right
side, keeping weight on the left foot (count 1). Turn 1/2 turn right and step right foot next to
left taking the weight onto right foot (count 2). Touch left toes to left side (count 3). Step left
foot beside right with weight on the left foot (count 4).
Over - Crossing one foot over the other.
Paddle Turn varies Either left or right turn, using a series of ball changes with the weight staying over the turning foot.
Pirouette - A complete turn on one foot [aka Spin ]
Pivot 1 A turn where one foot is forward of the other and the turn is made on the balls of the feet changing
weight. Feet do not leave floor.
Pivot turn 2 Unless specified a pivot turn is always a 1/2 turn. Step the nominated foot forward foot then turn
180° on the balls of both feet in the opposite direction of the forward foot and return weight to
original foot. [There are many exceptions to this definition! Also known as a "Step, Pivot turn".
A full pivot turn is known as a Spiral Turn]
Point 1 Point the toe in the designated direction.
Restart - When part of the dance on one or more of the walls in order to keep the phrasing of the dance in
sync with that of the music. [An alternative to adding a bridge to the dance]
Reverse Pivot Turn 2 Touch designated foot behind and turn 180* in the direction of the designated foot.
Rhondo 2 Sweep the nominated toe in a half-circle from the front to the back.
Rhumba 1&2 Step lead foot to side, Step opposite foot beside lead, Step lead foot forward (or back)
SEE Rumba/Rhumba Box Former: Step lead foot forward (or back), rock weight onto
opposite foot (on &), step lead foot beside opposite. [Also called a Mambo-Rock]
Rhumba Box 8/varies Step lead foot to side, Step opposite foot beside lead, Step lead foot forward (or back) to
complete the “box” Step original opposite foot to the side, step lead foot to opposite foot,
step opposite foot back (or forward) Can be 123 123 or 1,2,3,Hold 1,2,3,Hold
Rock 1 Change weight from one foot to the other without changing position. This is done with the knees
slightly bent.
Rock Recover / Rock Replace / Rock Step
2 Rock or step nominated foot as directed on the step sheet, then return/shift weight to other foot
[ May be accompanied by a 1/4 or 1/2 turn.]
Rocking Chair 4 Eg: Right Rocking Chair: Rock/step forward on left. Rock back onto right. Rock/step back on left.
Rock forward onto right. [May be done in reverse]
Rolling Full Turn 4 A (grape)vine with a 3/4 or full turn Eg. Left: Step left 1/4 turn left. On ball of left make 1/2 turn left
stepping back right. On ball of right make 1/4 turn left stepping left to left side.
Ronde' - The unweighted leg moves from one leg position to another in a circular motion with a straight
knee. The extended foot never reaches a height higher than the knee.
Running Man 4 Eg: Right: Step right foot forward. Scoot back on right foot while lifting left knee up (on &). Step left
foot forward. Scoot back on left foot while lifting right knee up (on &) Step right foot forward.
Scoot back on right foot while lifting left knee up (on &) Step left foot forward.
Sailor Step 1&2 Eg: Left Sailor: Cross left behind right. Step right to right side. Step left to place.
Samba 1&2 1. Cross lead foot over other foot, step the other foot slightly to the side (on &), step lead foot
together. [Also known as Cross Samba]
2. Step lead foot to the side, rock onto opposite foot, cross lead foot over opposite foot. [Also
known as a Side Samba. See also Mambo]
Note: Dance sheets use 'samba' interchangably for side & cross samba's. See sheet for instructions for that dance.
Scissor Step 4 Eg. Right Scissor Step Step right foot to right, close left to right, Cross right foot over left foot.
Scoot 1 Slide/hop the weighted foot forward, backward or sideways while the other foot is hitched.
Scuff 1 Move the specified foot by gently sliding the ball of the foot across the floor.
Shimmy varies Rapid, alternate shoulder movement. As left shoulder moves forward, the right shoulder moves
back. [Done in time to the beat or syncopated]
Shuffle 1&2 Three steps in any direction done to two beats of the music. Step the designated foot in the
designated direction, step the other foot beside the first (on the & count) and then step the
first foot in the same direction again. [Also known as a Chasse, when done to the side.
May be done with a 1/4 or 1/2 turn]
Skate 1 or 2 Slide nominated foot forward at 45°, slide other foot together. A skate may also be only the first
slide. A skate may also be done backwards.
Slide varies With the weight on one foot, drag or slide the other foot up to the weighted foot. Usually done
to either 1, 2 or 3 beats.
Spin 1 A full or 3/4 turn executed on the ball of one foot over one beat of music. ( aka pirouette)
Spiral Turn 2 Step lead foot forward, make a full pivot turn in the opposite direction ending with the weight on the
lead foot and the other leg crossed over (in front). [ can also end by stepping opposite foot
forward as you complete the turn. ( aka piral pivot turn)
Spot 1 A step in place that does not progress in any direction.
Sugarfoot 2 Touch lead toe to instep of other foot. Touch heel of lead foot to instep of other foot.
Step 1 The word used to indicate a movement of a foot with change of weight.
Stomp 1 Stomp the foot on the floor to make a loud sound. Weight usually remains on the other foot.
Stride 1 A larger than normal step.
Stroll 3 Step lead foot forward. Cross other foot behind. Step lead foot forward.[Basically a non-syncopated
lock-step. Often done to the diagonal]
Sway varies With feet in place, shifting weight from one side to the other
Sweep varies To arc pointed toe out and around from front to back or back to front. Can sometime be executed
with a turn. [Usually one beat, but may be 2]
Switch / Heel Switches 1 Return one foot together with a hop while at the same time putting the opposite foot out.
Swivel 2 A movement of heels or toes while weight is on opposite part of foot. Eg: Left Swivel: Taking
weight onto left heel and right toe swivel both toes to left. Return feet to center.
Tag - A set of steps performed in addition to routine, to aid the flow of the music or lyrics, usually
occurring between the end of a wall or routine and beginning of the next.
Tap 1 see Touch
Toe Strut 2 Step toe in nominated direction, drop heel to the floor.
Together 1 To bring the feet together with a change of weight.
Touch 1 To tap toe or heel in nominated direction without any weight placed upon it.
Triple Step 1&2 See Shuffle. [May be done with 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or full turn]
Twinkle 3 Cross lead foot over opposite foot, step opposite foot slightly to the side, step lead foot beside
Twist 1 With weight on balls of feet, heels move freely in given direction.
Vine 3 - 4 See Grapevine
Unwind Turn 2 Cross the lead foot in front of the other foot. With weight the other foot make a 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 or
"unwind" turn (ie: turn in the opposite direction of whichever foot is crossed - if the left foot
is crossed over the right, turn right). [Weight ends on either foot, as specified in the particular
dance. May also begin with lead foot crossing behind the other foot, then unwind… The
unwind may take one or more beats]
Waltz 3 Step nominated foot forward or back, step the other foot together step the nominated foot in place.
Weave 4 Eg: Left: Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Cross right behind left. Step left to left side.
If you have any steps or movements you would like to add to this list, use the Q page and send it to me with its definition. If you
don't know the definition - we'll ask our community!
a great Australian Line Dance Site :-)
Step Sequence/Term Beats Description
Anchor 3 Step nominated foot behind other foot, step other to its side, step original foot to its side
Back Cross 1 Where the nominated foot crosses and touches behind the other foot.
Ball Change &1 Step onto the ball of one foot (on & count), step and/or change weight onto the other foot.
[Often accompanied by a previous step, eg: kick-ball-change]
Behind 1 A step with the free foot crossing behind the weighted foot.
Body Roll varies Performed forward, backwards or sideways, body rolls are a ripple of the body either up or
down over a specified number of counts.
Box Step 8 A sequence of steps forming a box shape on the floor usually done over 8 beats, often ending
with a touch, scuff or hold. Normally leads forward or to the side. Eg. Left forward : Step
left foot forward, Step right beside left, Step left foot to left side, Touch right foot beside left,
Step right foot back, Step left foot beside right, Step right foot to right side, touch or step
left foot beside right.
Bridge - A set of steps or holds that occur in the middle of a wall/routine, after which you return to
where you were in the routine
Brush 1 A brush uses the ball of foot to brush the floor as the foot swings forward or back.
Bump 1 Bump hips to the side. [Bumps (or hip bumps) may be done to the beat or they may be
Cha-cha 1&2 Three steps in place, done to two beats of the music. [Similiar to a shuffle, however it is
done on the spot. Technically a cha-cha involves a Cuban hip movement whilst a
shuffle is smooth, but generally a cha-cha is stationary whilst a shuffle travels]
Charleston 4 Touch nominated foot forward, step same foot back, touch other foot back, step other foot
Charleston Kick 4 Step forward, kick the other foot forward, step back (with the foot you kicked), touch the
original foot back. [ May be accompanied by heel swivels between steps. ]
Charleston Kick 4 Same as above except the order is Kick, together, touch, together. Depends on step sheet.
Chassé varies A syncopated pattern of side steps where the feet never pass. Normally three steps but can
be extended.
Close 1 Step together (ie: "Close right" means step right foot beside the left).
Coaster Step 1&2 Step the designated foot back, step the other foot beside the first (on &), step the designated
or - 1 2 3 (Waltz) foot forward. [A coaster may be done forward, then called a "forward coaster".
Cross - The free foot crosses in front of (Across, over) or behind (behind) the opposite foot.
Cross Samba 1&2 Cross lead foot over other foot, step the other foot slightly to the side (on &), step lead foot
Cross Shuffle 1&2 A side Shuffle where the first step is in the opposite direction from the lead foot and crosses
over the other foot. The last step similarly crosses over. Eg: Cross right foot over the left,
step the left foot slightly to the left side (on &), cross the right foot in front .(can cross behind)
Diagonal - 45 degrees out from the centre of the Line of Dance (direction). 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30
Dig 1 To touch the ball or heel of the free foot to the floor with a strong emphasis
Dip 1 A slight bend of the support knee to a sitting position with the free leg extended forward
Dorothy Click &1 With weight on the toes of both feet, quickly swivel heels out and back together with a click
Dorothy Step 1, 2& Lockstep shuffle on designated diagonal with the tempo [ 1 2& ]
Double Heel-split 4 With weight on the toes: move heels apart, change weight to the heels, move toes apart.
Reverse steps to bring feet together to original position.
Drag varies See Slide. [Also known as Draw]
Fan : Toe-fan 2 With feet together, turn toes of nominated foot out 90 degrees (pivoting on the heel) & return.
Fan : Heel-fan 2 Same thing as the toe fan but the heel swings out, pivoting on the ball of the foot.
Flick 1 The heel flicks back or out to the side with the toe pointed and the knee slightly bent.
Grapevine aka Vine varies Steps to side, cross behind, side, followed by a touch, cross, together, kick, stomp, scuff etc
Heel Bounce &1 With weight on balls of feet lift and drop heels. [Also called Heel Raises]
Heel Grind 2 Touch forward on designated heel arcing toe out to side. Can also be Toe Grind...e
Heel Splits 2 With weight on both toes & feet together, turn both heels out to opposite sides, then back again.
Heel Strut 2 Step heel of foot in nominated direction, drop toes to the floor. [Also known as a strut or a heel-
toe strut ] May be syncopated.
Heel Switches 1&2& Touch lead heel forward. Step lead foot beside other foot. Repeat with other foot.
Heel Swivels 2 With feet together & weight on the balls of both feet, swivel both heels to the same side and then
back to the center.
Hip Bumps varies Step lead foot forward or back & bump hips in the same direction. Continue bumping hips as
specified. [May be syncopated. May not involve a step]
Hip Roll varies The movement of the hips in a circular action either clockwise or counter-clockwise
Hitch 1 Hitch the knee up with weight on the opposite foot.
Hold 1 Hold your position for the specified counts of music before taking another step.
Home - Position of the feet directly under the body. The original starting place. [Also known as Center]
Hook varies Bring heel of designated foot up to opposite knee
Hop 1 A jump on the spot of one foot and landing on same foot.
Jazz Box 4 Eg: Left - Cross left over right. Step back on right. Step left to left side. Close right beside left.
Jazz Box often done with a 1/4 turn.
Jazz Square 4 Step nominated foot forward, cross other foot over, step nominated foot back, step other
foot together.
Jump 1 To spring into air on both feet and land on both feet.
Kick-ball-change 1&2 Kick lead foot forward, step ball of lead foot back to place, step other foot in place.
Kick-ball-cross 1&2 Kick lead foot forward, step ball of lead foot back to place, cross other foot in front of lead foot.
Kick 1 Self explanatory. May be done in any direction.
Knee Pops 2 A sequence of moves pushing the non-weighted knee forward, lifting the heel off floor with the
ball of the foot remaining in contact with floor (the knee is often pushed across in front of the
opposite leg). Straighten knee & drop the heel. [Often done in pairs. May by syncopated (&1)]
Lock Step 1 The designated foot crossed closely in front or behind the other foot. [Often done as part of a step
sequence, eg: a lock-shuffle, a lock-vine or a "step, lock, step"]
Lunge 1 The transfer of weight to a bent leg with free leg extended
Mambo 1&2 1. Step lead foot to the side, rock onto opposite foot, cross lead foot over opposite foot.
2. Step lead foot forward, rock onto opposite foot, step lead foot back.
Note: The term 'mambo' originally referred to a side samba (No.1), however it is now almost universally used as per the second definition above. If you are using an old stepsheet, make certain which step sequence is meant.
March varies To step firmly in place two or more times - unless direction given
Mark Time varies To step in place two or more times
Monterey Turn 4 Unless specified a Monterey turn is always a 1/2 turn. It may be 1/4, 3/4 or full.
Eg: Right Monterey turn - reverse directions for a left: Touch toes of right foot to the right
side, keeping weight on the left foot (count 1). Turn 1/2 turn right and step right foot next to
left taking the weight onto right foot (count 2). Touch left toes to left side (count 3). Step left
foot beside right with weight on the left foot (count 4).
Over - Crossing one foot over the other.
Paddle Turn varies Either left or right turn, using a series of ball changes with the weight staying over the turning foot.
Pirouette - A complete turn on one foot [aka Spin ]
Pivot 1 A turn where one foot is forward of the other and the turn is made on the balls of the feet changing
weight. Feet do not leave floor.
Pivot turn 2 Unless specified a pivot turn is always a 1/2 turn. Step the nominated foot forward foot then turn
180° on the balls of both feet in the opposite direction of the forward foot and return weight to
original foot. [There are many exceptions to this definition! Also known as a "Step, Pivot turn".
A full pivot turn is known as a Spiral Turn]
Point 1 Point the toe in the designated direction.
Restart - When part of the dance on one or more of the walls in order to keep the phrasing of the dance in
sync with that of the music. [An alternative to adding a bridge to the dance]
Reverse Pivot Turn 2 Touch designated foot behind and turn 180* in the direction of the designated foot.
Rhondo 2 Sweep the nominated toe in a half-circle from the front to the back.
Rhumba 1&2 Step lead foot to side, Step opposite foot beside lead, Step lead foot forward (or back)
SEE Rumba/Rhumba Box Former: Step lead foot forward (or back), rock weight onto
opposite foot (on &), step lead foot beside opposite. [Also called a Mambo-Rock]
Rhumba Box 8/varies Step lead foot to side, Step opposite foot beside lead, Step lead foot forward (or back) to
complete the “box” Step original opposite foot to the side, step lead foot to opposite foot,
step opposite foot back (or forward) Can be 123 123 or 1,2,3,Hold 1,2,3,Hold
Rock 1 Change weight from one foot to the other without changing position. This is done with the knees
slightly bent.
Rock Recover / Rock Replace / Rock Step
2 Rock or step nominated foot as directed on the step sheet, then return/shift weight to other foot
[ May be accompanied by a 1/4 or 1/2 turn.]
Rocking Chair 4 Eg: Right Rocking Chair: Rock/step forward on left. Rock back onto right. Rock/step back on left.
Rock forward onto right. [May be done in reverse]
Rolling Full Turn 4 A (grape)vine with a 3/4 or full turn Eg. Left: Step left 1/4 turn left. On ball of left make 1/2 turn left
stepping back right. On ball of right make 1/4 turn left stepping left to left side.
Ronde' - The unweighted leg moves from one leg position to another in a circular motion with a straight
knee. The extended foot never reaches a height higher than the knee.
Running Man 4 Eg: Right: Step right foot forward. Scoot back on right foot while lifting left knee up (on &). Step left
foot forward. Scoot back on left foot while lifting right knee up (on &) Step right foot forward.
Scoot back on right foot while lifting left knee up (on &) Step left foot forward.
Sailor Step 1&2 Eg: Left Sailor: Cross left behind right. Step right to right side. Step left to place.
Samba 1&2 1. Cross lead foot over other foot, step the other foot slightly to the side (on &), step lead foot
together. [Also known as Cross Samba]
2. Step lead foot to the side, rock onto opposite foot, cross lead foot over opposite foot. [Also
known as a Side Samba. See also Mambo]
Note: Dance sheets use 'samba' interchangably for side & cross samba's. See sheet for instructions for that dance.
Scissor Step 4 Eg. Right Scissor Step Step right foot to right, close left to right, Cross right foot over left foot.
Scoot 1 Slide/hop the weighted foot forward, backward or sideways while the other foot is hitched.
Scuff 1 Move the specified foot by gently sliding the ball of the foot across the floor.
Shimmy varies Rapid, alternate shoulder movement. As left shoulder moves forward, the right shoulder moves
back. [Done in time to the beat or syncopated]
Shuffle 1&2 Three steps in any direction done to two beats of the music. Step the designated foot in the
designated direction, step the other foot beside the first (on the & count) and then step the
first foot in the same direction again. [Also known as a Chasse, when done to the side.
May be done with a 1/4 or 1/2 turn]
Skate 1 or 2 Slide nominated foot forward at 45°, slide other foot together. A skate may also be only the first
slide. A skate may also be done backwards.
Slide varies With the weight on one foot, drag or slide the other foot up to the weighted foot. Usually done
to either 1, 2 or 3 beats.
Spin 1 A full or 3/4 turn executed on the ball of one foot over one beat of music. ( aka pirouette)
Spiral Turn 2 Step lead foot forward, make a full pivot turn in the opposite direction ending with the weight on the
lead foot and the other leg crossed over (in front). [ can also end by stepping opposite foot
forward as you complete the turn. ( aka piral pivot turn)
Spot 1 A step in place that does not progress in any direction.
Sugarfoot 2 Touch lead toe to instep of other foot. Touch heel of lead foot to instep of other foot.
Step 1 The word used to indicate a movement of a foot with change of weight.
Stomp 1 Stomp the foot on the floor to make a loud sound. Weight usually remains on the other foot.
Stride 1 A larger than normal step.
Stroll 3 Step lead foot forward. Cross other foot behind. Step lead foot forward.[Basically a non-syncopated
lock-step. Often done to the diagonal]
Sway varies With feet in place, shifting weight from one side to the other
Sweep varies To arc pointed toe out and around from front to back or back to front. Can sometime be executed
with a turn. [Usually one beat, but may be 2]
Switch / Heel Switches 1 Return one foot together with a hop while at the same time putting the opposite foot out.
Swivel 2 A movement of heels or toes while weight is on opposite part of foot. Eg: Left Swivel: Taking
weight onto left heel and right toe swivel both toes to left. Return feet to center.
Tag - A set of steps performed in addition to routine, to aid the flow of the music or lyrics, usually
occurring between the end of a wall or routine and beginning of the next.
Tap 1 see Touch
Toe Strut 2 Step toe in nominated direction, drop heel to the floor.
Together 1 To bring the feet together with a change of weight.
Touch 1 To tap toe or heel in nominated direction without any weight placed upon it.
Triple Step 1&2 See Shuffle. [May be done with 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or full turn]
Twinkle 3 Cross lead foot over opposite foot, step opposite foot slightly to the side, step lead foot beside
Twist 1 With weight on balls of feet, heels move freely in given direction.
Vine 3 - 4 See Grapevine
Unwind Turn 2 Cross the lead foot in front of the other foot. With weight the other foot make a 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 or
"unwind" turn (ie: turn in the opposite direction of whichever foot is crossed - if the left foot
is crossed over the right, turn right). [Weight ends on either foot, as specified in the particular
dance. May also begin with lead foot crossing behind the other foot, then unwind… The
unwind may take one or more beats]
Waltz 3 Step nominated foot forward or back, step the other foot together step the nominated foot in place.
Weave 4 Eg: Left: Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Cross right behind left. Step left to left side.
If you have any steps or movements you would like to add to this list, use the Q page and send it to me with its definition. If you
don't know the definition - we'll ask our community!