BW: I have set up Spotlight #7 to focus on someone that represents the best of our line dance community. There are many like her in some ways, and many that are exceptional in other ways, but this lady is at the top of my list - she is just simply a wonderful, delightful lady! She loves to dance and help others - no matter what the dance is, what time of day or night - Lorraine is ALWAYS helpful, always there to help call out the steps; she serves as a fine example of the backbone of a line dance class. She and I attend many of the same line dance classes and if I am having a bad day or a “brain fart” day, she is the one that has a hug, kind and encouraging words and a firm way to help me get out onto the dance floor and do the steps!
BW: Friend Lorraine - where are you from and how did you end up in Palm Coast?
LD: I was raised in Staten Island, New York and lived there most of my life. I moved to Palm Coast 5 years ago, after retiring from teaching 29 years for the New York City school system. I relocated to Palm Coast because I have two brothers that live here and after visiting different parts of Florida, Palm Coast felt like home to me.
BW: Well, I, for one am certainly glad you came here! I’m not sure I would have progressed as well or as quickly as I have in line dancing without you as a mentor. I know you were a great teacher. You are comfortable in your ability to explain the steps, anticipating when I or someone else needs a helpful hint or downright order ;-). What can you tell me about your dancing history?
LD: I enjoyed many years of both county couple and line dancing in both New York and New Jersey. I even taught a few of my classes line dances for their field day performances. After retiring and moving to Palm Coast, I was overjoyed with all the different classes that I discovered here. I have met a lot of really nice people, many of which have become my close friends.
BW: I admire your positive attitude and envy you your energy level! I’m teasing when I say it, but I truly mean it - you are like the energizer bunny! How you find the time and energy between tennis, "couples dancing" on the weekends and during the week the different line dance classes and NOW - your latin class….. um? What can you tell us about the salsa class?
LD: Lets see - I have recently joined Kevin's Latin Dance class at Atlantic Fitness Center on Wednesday nights. His class is very energetic and you really move for two hours. The first half is very high level of energized moves - not like line dancing. The second half is practicing with partners. Dancing is one of my passions. It is a great exercise for both men and women. I love to help new dancers learn the steps. If they have a hard time in the beginning,I tell them that we were all there once. You might not get all the steps at first, just enjoy and it will come together with time.
BW: Exactly what I remember you telling me - many times! This is why you are an excellent Spotlight for us - you are a wonderful mentor and yet maintain a humble, caring attitude for all of us. Any last words for us today?
LD: I hope all of the classes continue for many years and that I am able to just keep on “DANCING"!!!
BW: Wonderful - I couldn’t have said it better :-) Thank you Lorraine!
Below is a photo I pulled from the Internet - Ms. Lorraine is having a Birthday this day - July 21, 2015!! Happy Birthday Lorraine!