You can find Jinny's class at the Riverview Club, St. Augustine Shores.... see address below
BW: Hello Jinny! I am so happy to have this interview with you for the PC Line dance website. For our readers - your class is in St. Augustine, but its only a stones throw from here. I have been having a great time learning and dancing at your Wednesday morning class! Lets see - how about tell me/us a little bit about yourself?
JQ: I was born in Brooklyn, NY at the Naval Hospital. I grew up in Long Island (Port Washington) and Bergen County NJ (Hillsdale and Ridgewood). I graduated from *Katherine Gibbs in 1961. That same year I married the wonderful man I still hold dear. We have 5 children and 17 grandchildren. BW: That’s a beautiful area of the United States! Did you remain there and later retire here? JQ: Not exactly... We lived on a farm in upper NY state for quite a few years, making our way south long before retiring. Our family was drawn to St. Augustine during a visit to our parents new home in 1979. We absolutely loved it and still do. My husband gave up his teaching career for the mobile home park business [Aside: You mess with me, you mess with the whole mobile home park… lol… ] He has expanded his unique collection of antique cars, which is an engrossing hobby. I participate in all aspects, including bleeding brakes. BW: I can attest to your participation in “his” hobby - I really appreciate the tour you gave me. I am impressed at all of the information you shared about automobiles - practical knowledge as well as incidental details. You are amazing! Your husband is very lucky to have a partner that is such a helpmate! What really sticks with me is your attention to detail when sharing information - have you always been a natural at teaching and sharing? JQ: I used to teach in a small private school and have been a Sunday school teacher for - forever. I didn’t start dance until later in life. When I was young, the church I was raised in had some pretty strict rules of behavior. No dancing, drinking, smoking, necking, etc. As an adult I did the usual dancing, but did not begin line dancing until about 1992 or 93. My friend L.G. got me interested. I had a hard time keeping up with the better dancers, but just kept coming. Various teachers have come and gone and now I teach the class. I believe I have been teaching the Wednesday class at the **Riverview Club since 2012. BW: …and this is where I met you! I could go on and on about your class, but since the interview is about you… please share with us about your Wednesday class :-) JQ: The Wednesday class is really special. We try to keep it simple for the first hour (between 10 and 11 am) and then for the last hour (from 11 am till noon) we speed it up to tackle even the most advanced dances. We share the knowledge of four or five good instructors--Lynda, Jen, Ruth, Bobbey, and me. We are like dancers anonymous only knowing the first names, but instead of avoiding our addiction, we celebrate it and wear ourselves out dancing as hard as we can with a lot of laughter. BW: Well said! and I totally agree with the addiction part - ha! I am honored that you mention me with your core group - truly honored. I love your class and your fellow teachers - how you all share the floor, no animosity, no jealousy, just the love of the dance… and fun, too. Before I forget, you once mentioned something about your grandmother? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jinny sent me these photos to use on this interview page. She didn't tell me about her Dance Team! I will add more about this performance dance team after I squeeze some more info out of her! What a fun looking group! Added later: See below right for details!... |
. A portion of Jinny's Wednesday class
Jinny's Dance Team JQ: Yes - during my teen years when we weren’t allowed to dance, etc, my grandmother said we wouldn't be judged by what we didn't do. She loved to dance and of course there is nothing wrong with that! My grandparents actually won dance contests aboard ships in their day. She was right, though. So - now - perhaps to make up for lost time - I dance every chance I get and thoroughly enjoy it!
BW: I sincerely hope that more of our Palm Coast dancers will head your way. With your sincerity, enthusiasm and knowledge, we all can learn from you. Is there anything else you might want to add about your class? JQ: Well, like I said - we have beginner level dances from 10-11 and work on higher level dances from 11-12. We earnestly try to respond to the skill levels of all who are there. All are welcome! BW: Thank you. Thank you for taking the time out for this interview. Thank you for being such a nice lady, great teacher and a real class act. :-) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
* re: Katherine Gibbs = I looked this up - At the time (1950's-70+), this was one of the leaders in colleges where they actually geared the teaching to what was expected in the workforce - even to the style of English, grammar and letter writing. Many colleges copied this successful method. No wonder Jinny is such a smart lady! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - **Riverview Club = Wednesday Mornings
Level(s): Beginners 10-11:00, Improvers+ 11:00-12:00 Cost: $1.50 for use of the hall Riverview Club, St. Augustine Shores 790 Christina Dr * St Augustine, FL 32086 For info, email Jinny: [email protected] |
St. Augustine Line Dancers
The name of the Dance team is St. Augustine Line Dancers. Jinny has been with them on and off for about 5 years. They get together and practice twice a week. Their performance schedule varies depending on the calendar. During the year they perform at nursing homes, vets clubs, car clubs, etc. Over the Holidays they are very busy as you can imagine with Christmas, 4th of July, Easter and Valentines Celebrations to name a few. In fact, they are one of the entertainment groups chosen to be part of the St. Augustine 450th Commemoration this September - a celebration of the 450th anniversary of the founding of St. Augustine. Cool! We know you ladies will do a great job - congratulations for being chosen!! |