Margaret Howard - Dunedin, FL area - [ Dunedin is on the gulf, between Palm Harbor and Clearwater Beach, approx
190 miles from Palm Coast, but if you are visiting in Clearwater.... :-) ]
Mondays: Dunedin Community Center Wednesdays: Blur NightClub Fridays: MLK Center
1920 Pinehurst Rd 319 Main St 550 Laura Lane
Dunedin, FL 34698 Dunedin, FL 34698 Dunedin, FL 34698
7:15pm - 8:15pm 7:00pm - 9:00pm Cost: $5.00 7:00pm - 9:30pm Cost: $5.00
Pam Hall - Ocala, FL area - ( Ocala is in the center of the above map, approx 90 miles from Palm Coast )
Teaches Beginners through Intermediates around the Ocala, Florida area.
Pam also has a Line Dance Cruise out of Port Canaveral April 23, 2016
Address: If you are headed to Pam's area in the near future - email her for location & permission to enter gated community
Terre Vista in Hernando, Florida - Pam's Email = [email protected]
Classes Info: Monday Nights 5pm - 8:30pm, Thursday mornings 9:00-Noon, Friday mornings 9:00-1:00pm
Level(s): The above listed classes start with Ultra Beginner and go to Advanced Level Dances
190 miles from Palm Coast, but if you are visiting in Clearwater.... :-) ]
Mondays: Dunedin Community Center Wednesdays: Blur NightClub Fridays: MLK Center
1920 Pinehurst Rd 319 Main St 550 Laura Lane
Dunedin, FL 34698 Dunedin, FL 34698 Dunedin, FL 34698
7:15pm - 8:15pm 7:00pm - 9:00pm Cost: $5.00 7:00pm - 9:30pm Cost: $5.00
Pam Hall - Ocala, FL area - ( Ocala is in the center of the above map, approx 90 miles from Palm Coast )
Teaches Beginners through Intermediates around the Ocala, Florida area.
Pam also has a Line Dance Cruise out of Port Canaveral April 23, 2016
Address: If you are headed to Pam's area in the near future - email her for location & permission to enter gated community
Terre Vista in Hernando, Florida - Pam's Email = [email protected]
Classes Info: Monday Nights 5pm - 8:30pm, Thursday mornings 9:00-Noon, Friday mornings 9:00-1:00pm
Level(s): The above listed classes start with Ultra Beginner and go to Advanced Level Dances